This DVD is a new, sealed copy of the documentary film "Rebirth" directed by Jim Whitaker and distributed by Oscilloscope Films. The movie has a runtime of 108 minutes and a sub-genre of filming. The package contains 2 discs and has a format of DVD. The film was released in 2011 and falls under the category of special interest-documentary. The item dimensions are 7.76 x 5.67 x 0.66 inches, and it weighs 0.42 pounds. The rating of the movie is NR. This item is perfect for those interested in documentaries and is a must-have for any film collection.

REBIRTH is a riveting journey into living history, an act of personal witness to one of the most profound events in American history and the healing that has come in its wake. The result of a decade-long process by director Jim Whitaker, the inspirational story of REBIRTH follows the nearly ten-year transformation of five people whose lives were forever altered on September 11, 2001. The film simultaneously tracks, by multi-camera time-lapse photography, the minute-by-minute evolution of the space where the Twin Towers once rose. Both a singular cinematic and human experience, REBIRTH is deeply intimate and uplifting - providing a moving portrait of how trauma and grief metamorphose into hope and rebuilding, as the human spirit transcends the unthinkable over time.