Here are some wildly entertaining 16mm scholastic films from the 50's, 60's, 70s, and 80s, all in sound and color. Various topics and styles; some are animated and some are live action; some are pedagogic and some are moronic; some are are antiquated and some are up to date; but, all are interesting and fun to watch. Each are on 800' reels in cans (unless noted), have leaders with the classic countdown, and run about 20-30 minutes. Most have good color, but some have experienced color shift as noted. All are on flexible, well cared for film stock, and are in very good condition (other than noted color shift).If you are homeschooling right now, these could offer a great break from the routine and help start a lively discussion (as well as bring back memories of your own time spent in the classroom, no doubt).
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1) Dr. DeSoto: 1985 Animated version of William Steig's tantalizing morality tale. Complete with teacher's guide for class discussion. Good color and sound, runs about 15 minutes. Narrated by Ian Thompson. SPOILER ALERT: "On his way home the fox wondered if it would be shabby of him to eat Dr. DeSoto when the job was done" LOL!!!
3) America's Story: George Washington: Myth and man mix in typical bio-pic of the story we've all learned in grade school. One of the few founders who has not been canceled (as of this writing 1/20/2024)!
4) The Village of Round and Square Houses: My favorite! Animated version of the true story presented in Ann Grifalconi's beloved book of the same name. Set in Cameroon, the narrator's grandmother tells her the story of the day that the village's nearby volcano erupted, destroying almost everything in their village, with the exception of one round house and one square house. The chief instructs the survivors to rebuild the village and, seeing the two spared houses as a sign, declares that all women live in the round houses and men live in the square houses. From that point on, men and women have a time to be together and a place to be apart. Many interpretations of this story exist, but the author states she was not trying to develop any particular parable, but just was illustrating different cultures.
5) Uncle Jim's Dairy Farm: A hoot! Live action propaganda film produced by the National Dairy Council from the 1950's. The city kids are sent to Uncle Jim's farm to be indoctrinated on the virtues of farm life sustained by having lots of butterfat in your diet. This is a gorgeous color print with classic mid century artifacts abound.
6) Maps and Globes (An Introduction): Combined live action and animation explain the basics of maps and globes and the differences between them. Excellent geography film if you are home schooling.
What is there to say about the 70's other than they thoroughly drained the 60's swamp and replaced it with a boat-load of geeks bearing the nascent computer programs which would eventually rule the world. Also, our Vietnam nightmare came to an end with a big "X" in the loss column. And, perhaps most striking was the wake-up call we got from OPEC when our gas pumps went dry and the price went from 32ยข to $1.19 per gallon (if you could find it). We were going nuts with anger and fear when someone called the Ayatollah came into our lives and forever changed the playing field.
Terrorists (Palestinians vs Israelis, duh) held a massacre at the Munich Olympics, Airliners were hijacked, Patty Hearst was hijacked, and Kool-Aid was a quick way out of trouble. Nixon gave one last "V" for Victory, Carter ushered in our Bicentennial, Thatcher came on board, Bloody Sunday bled, The Pope was Polish, Ping Pong Played Cold War, Three Mile Island melted down, a DC-10's engine "detached" on takeoff, inflation hit 13.9% and "stagflation" was a new buzzword. SkyLab took orbit, while VHS beat Betamax. Jobs planted Apple amid Earth Day, Deep Throat, Roe v Wade, Women's Lib, Schoolhouse Rock, Charlie's Angels, Pong, Jaws, the Walkman, and Disco Balls. Elvis Left the Building, and Rapper's Delight arrived along with Mechanical Bulls, Nurse Ratched, Archie Bunker, Mork, Fonzy, Spitz, Nadia, and Muttonchops (not to be confused with Lamb Chop)! Plus: DNA, MRI, IVF, ERA, SNL, MNF, WTC, & WTF!
Maybe that gives you a sense of the 70's being the S**T show it was for many. Unfortunately, what came next was even worse. Regardless, I always keep some 70's memorabilia on hand in my "That 70's Show" for the few stragglers out there still wanting to get on board: