Hippie Dippy Pillar Candle 1970's Grateful Dead Tie-Dye Evil Eye, Eugene Oregon

Vintage Hippie Dippy Pillar Candle 1970's Grateful Dead Tie-Dye Evil Eye, Over Easy Eggs, Chocolate Whirlpool, Fleshy Yoni, Sat Nam, Bro. Here is a real vintage home-made hippie-dippy-far-out pillar candle from the 1970's, most likely from Eugene, Oregon, better known as Grateful Dead North. This candle had belonged to a friend from it's beginning, and she loved it dearly even though everyone made fun of it (and her for loving it), but she is letting go of things and I was lucky enough to score it. She lit it a few times back in the day, but simply enjoyed it more just by looking at it unlit while her brain was enhanced and receptive to odd-ball and quirky stuff. It is quite the creation and I just let my mind go when trying to think of how I would describe it while observing it both lit and unlit. When lit, Chocolate-Egg-Yoni is what came to me to best describe the fire pit, and Evil Eyes for those divots on the sides (they glow from within!) Unlit, it is most certainly a tie-dye Dead T-shirt. 7" tall, 4.75" diameter. Probably paraffin and unscented as far as I can tell. Lots of life left to burn, but you may end up just looking at it unlit, also.  


That 70's Show!

What is there to say about the 70's other than they thoroughly drained the 60's swamp and replaced it with a boat-load of geeks bearing the nascent computer programs which would eventually rule the world. Also, our Vietnam nightmare came to an end with a big "X" in the loss column. And, perhaps most striking was the wake-up call we got from OPEC when our gas pumps went dry and the price went from 32ยข to $1.19 per gallon (if you could find it). We were going nuts with anger and fear when someone called the Ayatollah came into our lives and forever changed the playing field.

Terrorists (Palestinians vs Israelis, duh) held a massacre at the Munich Olympics, Airliners were hijacked, Patty Hearst was hijacked, and Kool-Aid was a quick way out of trouble. Nixon gave one last "V" for Victory, Carter ushered in our Bicentennial, Thatcher came on board, Bloody Sunday bled, The Pope was Polish, Ping Pong Played Cold War, Three Mile Island melted down, a DC-10's engine "detached" on takeoff, inflation hit 13.9% and "stagflation" was a new buzzword. SkyLab took orbit, while VHS beat Betamax. Jobs planted Apple amid Earth Day, Deep Throat, Roe v Wade, Women's Lib, Schoolhouse Rock, Charlie's Angels, Pong, Jaws, the Walkman, and Disco Balls. Elvis Left the Building, and Rapper's Delight arrived along with Mechanical Bulls, Nurse Ratched, Archie Bunker, Mork, Fonzy, Spitz, Nadia, and Muttonchops (not to be confused with Lamb Chop)! Plus: DNA, MRI, IVF, ERA, SNL, MNF, WTC, & WTF!

Maybe that gives you a sense of the 70's being the S**T show it was for many. Unfortunately, what came next was even worse. Regardless, I always keep some 70's memorabilia on hand in my "That 70's Show" for the few stragglers out there still wanting to get on board: https://www.ebay.com/str/portlandpandemonium/1970s-Show/_i.html?store_cat=38704222017

We Will Scratch Your Vintage Itch
