Experience the thrilling action and adventure of the iconic anime series with the One Piece Film: Red on Blu-ray. This newly released movie, rated PG-13, features the beloved characters in a battle against the powerful and evil force of Pirates. The movie is subtitled in English and has dimensions of 6 x 1 x 8 INCH, making it a perfect addition to your collection. This Blu-ray disc, model XA-XXAZAS-XZ05, is produced by Funimation Prod and weighs 0.200 lbs. It is a must-have for fans of the anime genre and collectors of DVDs and Blu-ray discs. The release year of 2023 adds to the excitement of this movie. Get your hands on this slip-covered edition of One Piece Film: Red and enjoy the thrilling experience of the movie in the comfort of your own home.

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