RED SUN Sunflower has 5 – 6? blooms with deep, dark orange-red petals with a bit of yellow towards the center. on branching stems, 5? – 6? tall. This long blooming strain is great for cut flower arrangements and back borders. They will do better if planted with slow-release fertilizer. If you deadhead your branching sunflowers, they will keep pumping out new blossoms in their will to create seeds and more sunflowers. Don’t cut the stalk! When it seems like the sunflowers are slowing down, leave the last set of flower heads on the plant for the birds. Sunflowers are a great fall / winter food source for most songbirds. Thank You.

Helianthus annuus.


Full Sun.

Spring, soil Temp 65F+.

SOW 2/3 Seeds per plant, 1/2"Deep about 24" apart. Keep moist.

Germination 7-14 Days.

Thin to single best seedling.

Height 6' x 24" Wide.

Medium water.

Flowers are deep red. Blooms from mid-summer through fall.