Golubovsky P. V. History of the Northern Land up to the half of the fourteenth century. History of the Smolensk Land up to the beginning of the fifteenth century. History of the Southern Russian Steppe in the ninth and thirteenth centuries. Bulgarians and Khazars, Eastern Neighbors of Russia under Vladimir the Holy One. Polovtsy in Hungary In Russian/Golubovskiy P. V. Istoriya Severskoy Zemli do poloviny XIV stoletiya. Istoriya Smolenskoy zemli do nachala XV st.. Istoriya yuzhno-russkikh stepey IX XIII vv.. Bolgary i khazary, vostochnye sosedi Rusi pri Vladimire Svyatom. Polovtsy v Vengrii Number 10, Moscow Publishing House, V. Sekachev, 2011, 884s. Please contact us for details on condition of available copies of the book. SKUalb6edc31bf2460e5e5.