Dumas A., Greene A., Abramov A. and S., Tolstoy A., Jules Verne et al. Library of Adventure and Science Fiction. A collection of 35 books. In Russian/Dyuma A., Grin A., Abramov A. i S., Tolstoy A., Zhyul Vern i dr. Biblioteka priklyucheniy i nauchnoy fantastiki. Sobranie iz 35 knig. Library of Adventures and Science Fiction (frame). Sketches by I. Ilyinsky, Vlasov V., Kurskov I., Kochergin N., Broka G., Krivova N., Meyer G., and others. M.-L.-Baku Children's literature 1955-1986. The collection includes books: Jules Vern- printing); Matveev G. Tarantul (1957-1957); Green A. The Shining World, Running on Waves (1958-1980); Ananyan V. On the shores of Sevan (1959-1986); Cooper F. Lotsman (1959-1980); Stevenson R. L. Ostrov, The Black Arrow (1960-1979); Abramov A., Abramov S. All is allowed (1973-1974); Malick V. Ambassador Urus-Shaitan (1973-hor.- a small loss of an avant Please contact us for details on condition of available copies of the book. SKUalb948ba124d5a038e4