"Madeline's Christmas" is a children's book written and illustrated by Ludwig Bemelmans. It is part of the "Madeline" series, which follows the adventures of a young girl named Madeline who lives in a boarding school in Paris. In "Madeline's Christmas," the story takes place during the Christmas season.

In the book, Madeline and her friends at the boarding school are excitedly preparing for Christmas. However, on Christmas Eve, everyone except Madeline falls ill with the flu and has to stay in bed. Madeline, being the smallest and the only one still healthy, takes it upon herself to care for her friends and make their Christmas special. With the help of a mysterious rug merchant and some magical rugs, Madeline and her friends embark on a magical journey to a faraway place, where they experience the beauty and wonder of Christmas.

The story is heartwarming and emphasizes the spirit of giving, friendship, and the magic of Christmas. It's a beloved holiday classic that has captured the imagination of children and adults for generations, and it's often read aloud during the Christmas season. The charming illustrations by Ludwig Bemelmans complement the story beautifully.

These books have come to me via a teacher (that is why some will have a teacher's name or other reference) some years ago. I bought them for my grandchildren and then filter back into my inventory when I started selling online again.
My hope is that with each set of photos I can give you an idea of the condition of the book on the outside and inside, the copyright information, a snippet of the text so you an judge for yourself if age appropriate for your child, and finally a look at any illustration techniques that are used.