Title: Ships and Boats by Marilyn Greco Shott - Foreesman Science 2.9 (Paperback)
Description: Dive into the fascinating world of ships and boats with this engaging educational resource! "Ships and Boats" by Marilyn Greco Shott, designed for use with the Foreesman Science 2.9 curriculum, is an informative paperback that takes young learners on an exciting journey across the seas.
From the evolution of watercraft to the mechanics of sailing, this book covers it all in a clear and accessible manner. Through vibrant illustrations and concise explanations, students will explore the principles of buoyancy, navigation, and the various types of vessels that have shaped human history.
Whether used in the classroom or at home, this book serves as a valuable tool for fostering curiosity and understanding about maritime transportation and the science behind it. Add "Ships and Boats" to your collection today and set sail on an educational adventure!