Department 56 Scrooge and Marley Counting House, Dickens Christmas Village lighted building from 1986. The office of Scrooge and his departed partner, Jacob Marley, in A Christmas Carol. A counting house kept books and transacted business for different customer accounts - you would go to a Counting House to borrow money or repay a loan. Building is simple rectangular shape. Bottom story brick, second story plastered with shuttered windows. The Scrooge and Marley Counting House looks beautiful when lit. Size: 6 x 6.5 x 3.50".

Note: the paper sleeve is no longer with the box, it comes with the protective case and light cord

This beautiful Christmas collectible makes a classy addition to any village collection. The Scrooge and Marley Counting House is in good condition for being over 35 years old and has beautiful artwork, color and design, each piece is properly marked on the bottom of the piece.

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