201+VIDALIA SWEET ONION Seeds Organic Short Day Spring Fall Vegetable Garden

VIDALIA SWEET ONION is really a Yellow Granex PBR (Pink Root Resistant) Hybrid F1 short day. This is one of a very few strains of onion recognized(legally)as a Vidalia Onion. This strain has a exceptionally high sugar and water content. To get a really sweet onion, the soil has to have a very low Sulphur content. The Sulphur is what causes the strong onion flavor and the tears in or eyes. For a fall planting, sow directly into the garden, and keep the seed bed moist after germination for a few weeks to give them a good start. For a Spring planting - Start seeds indoors about 12 weeks before your last frost. Plant the seedlings into your garden about 8" apart when night temps stay above 60F. Harvest at the end of summer after the tops have fallen over. The Vidalia Onion doesn't do long term storage like some onions can, but they will stay fresh in your fridge for several months without any problem. American heirloom variety developed in the 1930's. Maybe the sweetest onion ever. Easy to grow. Organic and Non-Gmo, U.S. Grown seed. 200+ Quality seeds. Thank You!
Allium cepa var. f1 hybrid pbr.

Full sun.

Spring, soil temp 55F+ or Fall.

SOW 1/4" deep. 2" apart. Keep Moist.

Germinates in 7 - 14 days.

Thin to 8" apart.

Height 18".

Medium water. Light organic fertilizer if needed.

Days to maturity -110 (spring planting) 170 (fall planting).

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