Heath Zenith SL-27102-02 Doorbell Contractor Kit, White

Product Description Includes one chime, one lighted push button and one unlighted push button. White cover. Contractor kit with mixed push buttons. cULus listed transformer. : One year. Made from plastic. Assembly required. 7. 25 in. W x 2 in. D x 4 in. H (1. 91 lbs. ). User Manual. From the Manufacturer The 102-A contractor chime kit offers a basic style with a white cover. The low voltage chime kit includes the 96/M chime, 122C transformer, (1) lighted push buttons and (1) unlighted push button. The chime features a 2-note basic melody for the front entrance.

  • White Finish Molded Cover with Mixed Push Buttons
  • Includes (1) Chime, (1) Lighted Push Button, (1) Unlighted Push Button and (1) Transformer
  • 2 Note Melody
  • Model number: SL-27102-02
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