Southwire 13055921 12/2WG UF Wire 25-Foot , Gray

Product Description Cable designed specifically for use as underground feeder cable for direct earth burial in branch circuits, and wet locations. It is sunlight-resistant and UL (Underwriter's Laboratories) listed. For applications of direct burial, dwellings not exceeding 3 floors above grade, underground feeder to outdoor lighting or apparatus, exposed or concealed wiring in damp, moist, wet, and dry locations, general branch circuit wiring and new wiring or replacement wiring. Flame retardant, moisture resistant. Sunlight resistant jacket. JC-30B Federal specification, ASTM B-3, ASTM B-8 and NY state DOS 16120-880923-2002. U.L. Listed. /2 = 2 insulated wires with bare ground. /3 = 3 insulated wires with bare ground. For applications of direct burial, dwellings not exceeding 3 floors above grade, underground feeder to outdoor lighting or apparatus, exposed or concealed wiring in damp, moist, wet, and dry locations, general branch circuit wiring and new wiring or replacement wiring. Flame retardant, and moisture resistant. Sunlight resistant jacket. JC-30B Federal specification, ASTM B-3, ASTM B-8 and NY state DOS 16120-880923-2002. U.L. Listed. /2 = 2 insulated wires with bare ground. /3 = 3 insulated wires with bare ground. From the Manufacturer For applications of direct burial, dwellings not exceeding 3 floors above grade, underground feeder to outdoor lighting or apparatus, exposed or concealed wiring in damp, moist, wet, dry, and corrosive locations, general branch circuit wiring and new wiring or replacement wiring. Flame retardant, moisture and corrosion resistant. Sunlight resistant jacket. JC-30B Federal specification, ASTM B-3, ASTM B-8 and NY state DOS 16120-880923-2002. U.L. Listed. /2 = 2 insulated wires with bare ground. /3 = 3 insulated wires with bare ground.

  • 12/2WG UF Wire 100 Foot Roll
  • Approved for direct burial
  • Uncoated copper conductors
  • For applications of direct burial, dwellings not exceeding 3 floors above grade, underground feeder to outdoor lighting or apparatus, exposed or concealed wiring in damp, moist, wet, dry, and corrosive locations, general branch circuit wiring and new wiring or replacement wiring.
  • Flame retardant, moisture, and corrosion resistant. Sunlight resistant jacket. JC-30B Federal specification, ASTM B-3, ASTM B-8 and NY state DOS 16120-880923-2002.
  • Made in the USA
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