Soux Chief 841-2P Drain Quad PVC Poly Strainer for Floor Drainage, 2 x 3"

Standard hub, or full-slip connections available to fit 2 inch and 3 inch sch. 40 pipe. Full-slip connections allow adjust-to-grade installations. Full-slip models are Gray PVC. Nickel bronze and stainless steel strainers for use in pedestrian traffic areas.

  • Standard hub, or full-slip connections available to fit 2 inch and 3 inch sch. 40 pipe
  • Full-slip connections allow adjust-to-grade installations. Full-slip models are gray PVC
  • Nickel Bronze and stainless Steel strainers for use in pedestrian traffic areas
  • Ductile iron strainers for heavy-duty applications
  • Low profile design
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