Bekaert 187235 8LB 1.25" Fence Staples - Quantity 1

125 in Single Barb Pail We are dedicated to give everyone the very best houseware products for all home needs with a focus on dependability our client satisfaction and great quality We provide highquality modern products to be enjoyed by many clients Features. 125 in Single Barb PailSpecifications. Dimension 6 x 4 x 4 in. Cube 96. Weight 8 lbs

  • 1.25 in. Single Barb PailSpecifications
  • Dimension: 6 x 4 x 4 in.
  • Cube: 96
  • Weight: 8 lbs
  • Produced with the highest grade materials
estimates delivery times and we work to get your item to you as quickly as possible and within those times, but please know it may take slightly longer than the estimate.