Promotes blood circulation
In the Far East, people knew how to use the healing powers of nature effectively thousands of years ago. This knowledge is the basis for the extraordinary Tiger Balm RED N. Its effect is based on the special combination of herbal active ingredients and makes it popular worldwide.
The valuable essential oils - such as the cajeput plant - promote blood circulation in the skin.
This special property can be useful for complaints in the back, muscles and joints or during and after sporting activities.
To promote blood circulation in the skin.
Contains rac. camphor, levomenthol, cajeput and peppermint oil. Do not apply to eyes or mucous membranes. Do not put in the nose. Do not use on babies and small children.
Mandatory information:
Tiger Balm Red N,
For adults and adolescents aged 12 and over.
Active ingredients:
Racemic camphor, levomenthol, cajeput oil, peppermint oil.
Area of application:
To promote blood circulation in the skin.
Contains racemic camphor, levomenthol, cajeput and peppermint oil.
For risks and side effects, read the package insert and ask your doctor or pharmacist. Status 12/2015