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Strataderm is a quick-drying, non-sticky, clear silicone gel for the treatment of new and old scars. When applied as directed, Strataderm dries quickly to form a silicone gel film that is a gas-permeable and waterproof layer that moisturizes and protects scars from chemical and bacterial attack. Strataderm softens and smoothes scars, eliminates itching and discomfort, and reduces redness and pigmentation changes in scars. Strataderm is easily applied to any skin surface: exposed areas of the body (face and neck), joints, and hairy parts of the skin (without the need to shave). Strataderm is applied to damaged areas of the skin 1-2 times a day or as directed by a doctor. The gel is used to treat all types of scars, including scars resulting from general and aesthetic surgery, trauma, chronic wounds, burns, bites, acne and other skin lesions. Strataderm can be used for children and people with sensitive skin. Strataderm is safe for small children, pregnant and breastfeeding women.

Polydimethylsiloxanes, siloxanes, alkylmethyl silicones.

Strataderm should be applied once or twice a day, or as recommended by a doctor, applying a very thin layer to the damaged areas of the skin. After application, allow to dry for 5-6 minutes.