Rare 8 Mukhi Rudraksha Kantha / Ganesha Kantha
Java Beads
Strung In Traditional Style With Knots and Woolen Spacers
Product Name : 8 Mukhi Rudraksha Kantha – Rare Collector Size – Java / Rare 8 Mukhi Ganesha Kantha
Bead size : 29 mm – 33 mm
Weight : 419 gms
Length : 24 inches (Around the neck) // 48 inches (from ist bead till 33rd bead)
Number of Beads : 32+1
Design : 33 beads of high quality 8 mukhi rudraksha of java strung in strong thread having traditional knots between beads with Woolen spacers .
Origin : Java / Indonesia
Description :
8 mukhi Rudraksha is the second form of reflection of the first son of Lord Shiva, Lord Ganesh and is one who is worshipped prior to other gods.
It removes obstacles in path , destroys evils & bring success in all undertakings ,wearer is blessed with knowledge , wisdom & wealth.
Destroyer of obstruction. As the name symbolize it destroy obstruction and gives achievements in all ventures. The 8 mukhi Rudraksh bead is also represented by Lord Ganesha who is worshipped prior to all the other gods. This bead removes obstacles in life and gives stability of mind. Wearing a Eight Facet Rudraksha is suggested for attaining anticipated results for any new work.
Purpose :
• For removal of obstacles and achieving success in all undertakings.
• For intellect and gaining of higher levels of knowledge, riddhies and siddhies.
• Also focus and grounding and luck in all endeavours
• For chanting mantras of planet Ketu and Lord Ganesh.
Ruling deity: Ganesh
Ruling planet: Ketu
Beej Mantra: “Om Hum Namah”
Planet Mantra: “Om Hreem Ketve Namaha”
Deity Mantra: ” Om Ganeshaya Namah”
Its wearer becomes unaffected by miseries – physical, divine.
It sets the wearer free from the sin caused by telling a lie. It gives the wearer all kinds of attainments – Riddhies and Siddhies and leads him to Shivloka. His opponents are finished i.e. the minds or intentions of his opponents are changed and all obstacles in his path are removed.
Ganesha rules over planet Ketu, hence wearing this rudraksha removes malefics of planet Ketu. A malefic ketu may cause injuries, accidents, surgery and diseases.
Wearing 8 faced rudraksha keeps a check on the malefic effects of the planet Ketu. Ideal for writers and intellectuals.