✅ For sale: One Buddha’s Hand Citrus Tree (Citrus medica var. sarcodactylis), a 1-year-old potted plant, 20-24 inches tall. Shipped in a container with soil. Leaves may have minor holes from slug damage as we avoid using harmful chemicals, allowing plants to grow naturally.

✅ Buddha’s Hand is one of the earliest cultivated citrus varieties, originating in China and Northern India. The unique fruit resembles a hand with elongated “fingers,” earning it the nickname Fingered Citron. It’s prized for its sweet, floral fragrance and mild zest, perfect for table displays, garnishes, or candying the rind.

✅ This citrus plant thrives in containers, delighting gardeners with sporadic white flowers and its strong citrus scent. The fruit typically ripens from November to January, adding beauty and fragrance to your home during winter months.

✅ The fruit has little to no flesh or juice, focusing instead on its aromatic pith and rind. While not a traditional eating fruit, it’s ideal for zesting, baking, and creating delightful infusions for drinks or perfumes.

✅ Your order will arrive in good condition; if any problems occur during shipping, contact us the same day with a description and photos to resolve the issue promptly.