Immerse yourself in the action-packed world of "Black Mask," a thrilling VHS release from 1999 featuring the incredible Jet Li. In this cinematic adventure, you'll be captivated by the gritty narrative of a relentless police detective who battles a vengeful gangster, masterfully portrayed by Jet Li himself. With a runtime packed with adrenaline-fueled scenes, this film promises an exhilarating experience for fans of martial arts and superhero genres. Crafted in the United States, "Black Mask" comes in its first edition, ensuring you get the authentic experience as intended by director Daniel Lee. The movie is presented in English with an NR (Not Rated) classification, making it suitable for a broad audience. Get ready for a high-stakes journey that blends crime investigation with intense kung-fu action, a must-have for any collector or aficionado of the genre.