100% ORGANIC Manuka Honey With Black Seed Green Tea Ajwa Ginger & Ginseng By Al-Riyan.

 Dietary Supplement & Booster Energy Shot & Immune System.

Size : 1 Bottle X 16 oz

Ingredients ;
Benefits of This Manuka Honey 

Al-Riyan Organic Moringa & Black Seed Honey has been formulated using the latest techniques with ancient herbal supplements. Moringa Oliefera is often called the miracle plant since is has so many medicinal properties. It's bark, roots and leaves are all highly potent in healing abilities.

Black Seed (Nigella Sativa) aka habbatual barakah meaning "The Seed of Blessing' is one of the most beneficial plants in the history of mankind. It's seed is
have been extensively studied around the world. The earliest record of its cultivation and use comes from ancient Egypt. This humble but immensely powerful seed has been shown, to kill MRSA, to heal the chemically poisoned bodies, stimulate the regeneration and recuperation of affected beta cells within the pancreas along, strengthens the immune system and much more. It is said that it will "Cure all disease except death" Al-Riyan honey organic with Moringa and Black Seed
uses the qualities of these herbs synergistically in a way that best suits the human body.

Suggested Use ;

As an Adult Dietary Supplement .

Adults: 1 Tablespoon Daily or As Directed by Physician .

This Honey can be mixed with Hot or Cold Beverages .

Warning ;

Not Prescribed for Pregnant Woman .

These Statements have not been Evaluated by the FDA .

This Product is not intended to Diagnose, Treat, Cure or Prevent Any Diseases .