I found this in an "mystery box" I purchased. A year later, this blingy thing is still a mystery.  If you are looking at this listing and know what this thing is meant to be used for, please have mercy on my tortured mind and tell me what it is. I've tried to understand its purpose by attaching it to handbag and wrapping it around myself a belt and a crazy necklace. Nope, doesn't work as any of those things - unless I'm going about the wrong way - which is very possible. 

I've periodically research the photos I took of them,  and Google Lens at one point returns search results suggesting this is a strap for some sort of personal suspension system (kinky stuff) for their similar appearance to this thing.  I must say that in form, the bedroom straps are the closest thing to emerge so far, but I would not recommend even attempting such a stunt with this thing. It's relatively heavy, but I'm fairly certain it would not hold up under the stress of an adult's body weight. Of course I may be underestimating. 

Whatever the case, no matter what it looks like to you, if you have a project or purpose that would call for the pieces, parts and or ths thing as is, come on down! 
Add this blingy beauty to your cart today! 😁