Ideal tridon worm gear hose clamp, series: hy-gear 67-6, 11/16 - 1-1/2 in nominal opening, no 16 trade, 1/2 in width, 5/16 in hex bolt, 35 in-lb torque, grade: 316, stainless steel band, 316 stainless steel bolt, for marine and salt water.
Ideal tridon worm gear hose clamp, series: hy-gear 67-6, 11/16 - 1-1/2 in nominal opening, no 16 trade, 1/2 in Width, 5/16 in hex bolt, 35 in-lb torque
Dust and dirt resistance
This product is manufactured in United States
Package dimensions: 12.25" L x 8.43" W x 9.06" H
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