Embark on an intergalactic adventure with the LEGO 7753 Pirate Tank from the Star Wars universe. This set features the formidable Pirate Ship under the command of the notorious Hondo Ohnaka and Turk Falso. Designed for fans aged 8 and up, it's a fantastic addition to any Star Wars collection or a great start to a new one.
The set includes iconic elements from the 'The Clone Wars' subtheme, allowing for creative play or display. Although this is an incomplete set, it provides an excellent opportunity to acquire or complete pieces for those who already have a passion for LEGO Star Wars. Add a touch of piracy to your LEGO galaxy with this engaging and timeless set.
Incomplete set check instructions. A check indicates all pieces included. No check means not included. A number indicates how many are MISSING.
Arm missing on one mini figure. Some stickers included unused.