• Title: Paul Bowles in Morocco: A Film by Gary Conklin
  • Format: VHS Video (Color, Running time 57 minutes)
  • Videocassette condition: Very Good
  • Container condition: Very Good
  • UPC: N/A
  • Comments: The film "Paul Bowles in Morocco" by Gary Conklin is a documentary from 1970 that explores the life and experiences of the American expatriate writer Paul Bowles in Morocco. The film captures Bowles' deep connection with the country, showcasing its vibrant culture, music, and landscapes. Bowles, known for his novels and stories set in Morocco, provides insights into his fascination with the country's mystique and his encounters with its people and traditions. The documentary features Bowles discussing various aspects of Moroccan life, including a trance dance of self-mutilation he witnessed in Chouen. It's a fascinating glimpse into Bowles' world and the rich tapestry of Moroccan culture.