The Hillman Group 370986 Wedge Anchor, 3/8 X 5-Inch, 10-Pack

Product Description The Power-Stud+ SD1 is a fully threaded, torque controlled, wedge expansion anchor that is designed for concrete applications. Suitable base materials are normal-weight and sand-lightweight concrete, concrete over steel deck, and grouted concrete masonry. This anchor has various DOT approvals including Caltrans listing for "Stud Mechanical Expansion Anchors". Building code approved. From the Manufacturer The Power-Stud is a torque controlled, wedge expansion anchor that is designed for concrete applications. Has various DOT approvals including Cal Trans listing for "Stud Mechanical Expansion Anchors". It is building code approved, and can also be used with treated lumber.

  • Zinc-plated wedge anchors designed for consistent performance in cracked and un-cracked concrete
  • Suitable base materials are normal-weight, sand-lightweight concrete, concrete over steel deck, and grouted concrete masonry
  • Common applications include structural connections such as beam and column anchorage
  • Nominal drill bit size is the same as the anchor diameter
  • Anchor can be installed through standard fixture holes
  • 10 pieces per retail package
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