The ELITES are a unique collaboration between DMC himself (star of National Geographic's CARD SHARK, BEYOND MAGIC WITH DMC, and Netflix®™ series DEATH BY MAGIC) and designer and magic creator Phill Smith - architect of the revolutionary OPTICAL MARKING SYSTEM. The new DMC ELITES V4 are printed on the world-class Phantom Finish - the cards will endure many hours of professional use, and all faces are standard for minimum scrutiny or suspicion from your audience.
This new Sovereign Blue edition of the V4 ELITES
is printed with a rich blue ink and features a beautifully embossed
tuck box with an elegant art deco pattern within. For the first time the
ELITES also comes with a double backer, to even further increase the
incredible utility of the deck for all magic uses.
The cards
themselves feature the latest revision of the unique OPTICAL MARKING
SYSTEM (OMS), a powerful 'reader' system designed specifically for the
use of magicians and mentalists (as opposed to many decks designed for
the gambling world). The OMS has an ingeniously hidden marking mechanic
that is readable with extreme speed, at great range and even in poor
light. It hides the value and suit of the card in plain sight with no
decoding necessary - the back of the card literally says the value and
the suit. Despite this, you can still comfortably hand the deck to a
layman safe in the knowledge that even the most critical observer would
not even suspect, let alone detect, the secret markings.