Originally broadcast as a three-part episode that concluded the second season of the Justice League animated series, Starcrossed: The Movie offers not only an exciting adventure for the collected DC Comics superheroes, but a major shakeup within the JL lineup that changed the series' subsequent seasons. Hawkgirl and her relationship with John Stewart/Green Lantern is the focus of the feature, in which the alien heroine is forced to choose between her human love and her responsibility to her home planet when an invasion force is dispatched to Earth, and her Justice League partners--Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Martian Manhunter and the Flash--must stop it. A solid 68 minutes of animated action for fans of the original comic books and the series, which subsequently changed its title to Justice League Unlimited and introduced other DC characters to the JL lineup after these episodes were aired. The Warner Bros. DVD offers several supplemental features, including cast and filmmaker interviews. --Paul Gaita
Product Description
Justice League: Star Crossed (DVD) (FS) When the Thanagarians visit Earth, Hawkgirl is forced to choose between loyalty to her people and love for her friends on her adopted planet Earth. This is the one battle that could rip the World's Greatest Super Heroes apart forever!! ]]>