The sri yantra is a series of interlocking triangles with a perfect ratio of 3.14 or the divine number, Pi. it is thought that this ancientsymbol was not intellectually constructed, but that it came to a yogi in dep meditation as a representation of the primordial sound, Aum this symbol along with sound like Aum have incredible healing powers if you just know how to use them correctly the primordial sound of aum for healing the body and mind, sri yantra and incident divine symbol of sound.
the sri yantra is an age old symbol - which is meant to heal our minds and hearts. if you know anything about energy healing with sound, then you realize the importance of tuning into a particular vibratory rate in order to elevate the mind and body from its lower, less ideal states, such as those of sickness and depression. you need not suffer from these states of mind they are illusion of the first class, and many of us have had them for so long that we forget that our natural state is one of joy, vibrant health and, bliss, even.
the sri yantra is a collection of 16 interlacing triangle around a bindu - which is a point of focus for the mind. bindu literally means 'point' or dot in the Sanskrit language if you are using this as a meditation tool, the center point aims at bringing you awareness to a more and singular point if you are using the sri yantra as a point of contemplation, then you can imagine that the cascade of triangles within the lotus flower is at once a macrocosm and microcosm of the world you livee in, with your perception as it is now. while some see maya as the destructive display of illusion, of the separation of the divine mind from the egoic mind, more accurately, it is simple the creative nature of creation trying to experience itself. while maya may keep the vells of true divine experience out of our current perceptive, it also offers a myriad of ways to get back to the oneness, our true nature as evidenced by the interlocking triangle in perfect distance from each subsequent set triangles based on a pi ration the creative play of maya!
There are other places that this ratio exist. it is in nature, for example and quite prolifically displayed. it is in nautilus shells, in the formation of leaves and \etals of innumerable plants the divine ratio shows up in ocean wave pattern, and you guessed it, sound divine sound oscillates at perfect ratios for our optimum health and recent studies in DNA prove that divine sound can even change our DNA!
What is yantra?
Meaning of word 'Yantra in Sanskrit is "yam" with a suffix "tra," where "tra" means instruments or tools and "yam" means "to gain control over the energy inherent in some element or being". Yantras carry spiritual significance, and point the user to higher levels of consciousness.
Yantra is an instrument designed to curb the psychic forces by concentrating them on a specific pattern, and in such a way that this pattern becomes reproduced by the worshiper's visualizing power. According to Sri Swami Satchidananda, a yantra is "a physical expression of a mantra - a mantra being a Divine aspect in the form of sound vibration - yantra in the form of a geometrical figure." So "when mantras or divine ideas are meditated upon, certain images are brought out" and these images "are used in meditation or worship to symbolize or express certain divine ideas and quality (Satchidananda).
Power of Yantra
The Yantra provides a focal point that is a window into the absolute. When the mind is concentrated on a single, simple object (in this case a Yantra), the mental chatter ceases. Eventually, the object is dropped when the mind can remain empty and silent without help. In the most advanced phases, it is possible to attain union with God by the geometric visualization of a Yantra. The Yantra is like a microcosmic picture of the macrocosm. It is a focusing point and an outer and inner doorway. The Yantras are often focused on a specific deity and so by tuning into the different Yantras you can tap into certain deities or creative force centers in the universe. Yantras are usually designed so that the eye is carried into the center, and very often they are symmetrical. Yantra can be drawn on paper, wood, metal, or earth, or they can be three-dimensional
Yantras are great cosmic conductors of energy, an antenna of Nature, a powerful tool for harmony, prosperity, success, good health, yoga and meditation! Yantras consist of a series of geometric patterns. The eyes and mind concentrate at the center of the yantra to achieve higher levels of consciousness.