This is a CGC graded copy of the animated movie "Rugrats - A Rugrats Thanksgiving" on VHS; it is from 1997.  It is close-captioned.

Specifics: Rugrats - A Rugrats Thanksgiving, VHS, Paramount Home Video, 1997, #838333, Slipcase (BL)
Sealed CGC Universal Grade 9.2, Type V-Overlap, Grade A+, Paramount Holofoil Sticker, Spine White Paramount Home Video Watermark
Case: Bottom-Loading Slipcase
Media: Black Button, Orange Body
Details: Orange Guard

This is the only copy graded by CGC in any grade.  It is one of a kind.

The encased item measures 11" x 6.5" x 1.75"; with the encased video the weight is 1 pound 3.2 ounces.

Shipment by US Postal Service Ground Advantage/Priority Mail.