Title: A History of The Woodland Community 1850-1958 ("Fields of Flowers and Forests of Firs")
Author: [History Committee]; Eleanor Olson (editor)
Description: Card covers are worn, chipped. Pages show some foxing. Pages printed on one side. v, 238 pp. 10.8 x 8.3 inches. This book was hand typed and then photo copied and bound--I have no idea how many copies were ever made--but this is an amazing find!
A history of the city of Woodland (Cowlitz County), Washington. Covers an extensive amount of information, with quite a bit of biographical and genealogical information on pioneers and early residents, the history of local businesses, churches, and post offices. Shorter sections discuss schools, dams and floods, cemeteries, Indians, hop farming, the Finnish community, fairs and entertainment, logging and mining, local government, fire department, social organizations, donation land claims, and transportation.
Binding: Soft Cover
Condition: Very Good
Place: [Woodland, Washington]
Year: 1958
Keywords: Washington, Washington state, Longview, Cowlitz County, genealogy,