Discover the enchanting world of "Weyward" by Emilia Hart, a captivating novel that weaves together themes of female resilience and witchcraft. This paperback transports you through time with its multi-perspective narrative, blending historical fiction with magical realism. Perfect for adults who appreciate a spellbinding story, "Weyward" is an ideal companion for cozy evenings or book club gatherings. Immerse yourself in a tale that celebrates strength and mystery. This book is in excellent new condition.
Keywords: Weyward, Emilia Hart, female resilience, witchcraft, historical fiction, magical realism, paperback, multi-perspective, adult fiction, St. Martin's Griffin.
Author: Emilia Hart
Book title: Weyward
Language: English
Topic: Female Resilience, Witchcraft, Historical Fiction
Publisher: St. Martin's Griffin
Format: Paperback
Genre: Historical Fiction, Magical Realism
Features: Multi-perspective, Magical Realism
Type: Novel
Narrative type: Fiction
Intended audience: Adults
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