How well do you know Jesus? Would you like to deepen your understanding of Him? Have you ever truly encountered Him, or has this been something you’ve longed for?

The Gospel of John was written to help you experience Jesus Christ in a personal and transformative way. John himself had a profound encounter with Jesus, and he shares his firsthand experiences to guide you toward knowing Jesus as your Savior.

In this study, you’ll explore unique stories and individuals that appear only in the Gospel of John. You’ll meet the woman at the well, Nicodemus, the woman caught in adultery, and Lazarus, the friend Jesus raised from the dead. You’ll also read about Jesus turning water into wine at the wedding in Cana, washing His disciples’ feet, and Peter’s redemption after denying Jesus three times.

As you journey through this study, you’ll focus on eight life-changing encounters with Jesus in John’s Gospel. The ultimate goal is to meet Jesus personally, discover that He is your true spiritual home, and grow in a deeper relationship with Him in your everyday life.