Must have for bookbinders/ journal makers. I know I cannot live without mine! * Powder coated in white, the gradiant on the ruler is printed in gray * One side is graded in inches and the reverse is in centimeters * Length 7.75" x 4". Thickness 3/64 (1mm). (picture 1 & 2). Weight 1.3 oz * The 0.75" width allows to cut an even paper border on all sides (picture 3) * Cuts clean mitered corners (picture 4) * Spacer is 1/8" (3.7mm). For space consistency on either side of the spine & as a score tool for both gaps. (picture 5) * Round corner guide option + wrap round paper template (picture 6) * A hole is pre drilled to help determine where to place an elastic band for closure (Picture 7 & 8). Please look at my other listings and if you would like multiple items, message me before purchase so I can consolidate shipping costs.