01. One for the Money
02. Two for the Dough
03. Three to Get Deadly
04. Four to Score
05. High Five
06. Hot Six
07. Seven Up
08 Hard Eight
08.5 Visions of Sugar Plums
09. To the Nines
10. Ten Big Ones
11. Eleven on Top
12. Twelve Sharp
12.5 Plum Lovin'
13. Lean Mean Thirteen
13.5 Plum Lucky
14. Fearless Fourteen
14.5 Plum Spooky
15. Finger Lickin' Fifteen
16. Sizzling Sixteen
17. Smokin' Seventeen
18. Explosive Eighteen
19. Notorious Nineteen
20. Takedown Twenty
21. Top Secret Twenty-One
22. Tricky Twenty-Two
23. Turbo Twenty-Three
24. Hardcore Twenty-Four
25. Look Alive Twenty-Five
26. Twisted Twenty-Six
27. Fortune and Glory - Tantalizing Twenty-Seven
28. Game On - Tempting Twenty-Eight
29. Going Rogue - Rise and Shine Twenty-Nine
30. Dirty Thirty