Jiminy, from the film Pinocchio, was released in November 2020 as part
of a pin-of-the-month series. It is round with the center being able to
spin. The gold pin has a ruby center surrounded in gold. A gold
embossed compass adorns the center of the pin. There are two ruby gems
on each side of the pin outer ring and is embossed the words “I Dub You
Lord High Keeper of the Knowledge of Right & Wrong & Guide Along
the Straight & Narrow Path”. The flip side is of Jiminy Cricket
holding his red umbrella in his right hand and looking out a window,
smiling at the Evening Star. His left hand is holding his medal up to
the sky. He is wearing white gloves and the collar on his black coat is
white. Brown shoes are capped in black with black laces. His hat is a
light blue with a green band
thanks to pinpics for the listing info
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