Product Description
Ramadan Custom & Traditions In Luxor Egypt 

According to various reports, the relation between Tamr Doum and Ramadan came about during the Mamluk era, as they used the plant to create the Tamr Doum drink as a substitute for alcohol at Iftar, due to its great effect in quenching thirst. By this time, the farmers of Egypt started planting it, and it quickly became a staple of Egyptian Ramadan drinks.


This Date soap is made from olive oil in the Holy Land.  Dates are a treasured beautifier, which nourishes dry skin and eliminates wrinkles, delaying aging. Organic extra virgin olive oil soap that is 100% natural and fragrance-free.

Additional Info
Olive oil has been used for its health and beauty properties since ancient times. Now, you can experience it daily with this soap bar. Its rejuvenating properties penetrate deep into your skin - healing, smoothing, and giving it a fine gloss.

3.5 ounces (100g)

Made with 100% certified organic virgin olive oil
With the added benefit of Luxor dates

Delightful light fragrance
Breaking the fast with dates has always been a Ramadan tradition. In Hadith literature it is written that the would break his fast with ripe dates before he would pray. Therefore, eating dates during this time has a spiritual significance. Dates have a long history in the Middle East as they have been cultivated in the area for thousands of years. The hot, arid climate provides ideal conditions for date palms to thrive.

Dates are also particularly beneficial during Ramadan because they are high in sugar and vitamins such as potassium and magnesium as well as an excellent source of fiber and carbohydrates. When fasting the body can easily develop mild health conditions like low blood sugar, headaches and lethargy. The nutrients found in dates can help alleviate these conditions and provide a source of energy. Dates are also known to help with digestion and can prevent an upset stomach when eating large amounts of food after a long period without eating.



Date (Tamar Doum) is one of the natural drinks that the Egyptians drink during the blessed month of Ramadan to compensate the body for the water it loses during the day fasting period.

“During the holy month of Ramadan Egyptians In Luxor & lower Egypt frequently use the perfume oil as applying of ‘Attar’ is considered as (Prophetic tradition) during the holy month. The one who applies scent not only benefits himself but also his near and dear ones as they feel good with the fragrance. And the holy Prophet used to like (Tamarتمر) Attar’, so using it is a Good Deed.

Specials Fragrances' in Ramadan Luxor Egypt 
In Egypt , perfume, Date Oil (Tamarتمر) 

Doum Date (Tamar تمر حلال) is an essential food for breaking the fasting of Egyptions during the Eids & Holy Month of Ramadan.
Ramadan & Eid ( Doum Tamar تمر حلال)
Doum Date Oil added to the list of Ramadan drinks, doum is a tree found in and Upper Egypt, and has many medical benefits. It is known that Doum is one of the juices which treats stress, cools the body, and improves digestion.

Plants of the Qur’an: The Date Palm Egypt
The Date Palm: King of the Oasis 

The Date Palm, mentioned more than any other fruit-bearing plant in the Qur’an, Throughout the month of Ramadan, dates are a common ingredient in the Egypt diet. The delectable fruit is sourced from the date palms of Egypt Egyption begin and end their day of fasting with its sweet and nourishing flesh. Phoenix dactylifera is the botanical name for the date palm. It is also referred to as nakhl in Arabic, while the fruit of the date palm is called Tamr in many  countries. The date palm is a tall evergreen and consists of both male and female trees (called dioecious). Only the female trees produce fruit, but one male tree can produce enough pollen to pollinate 40-50 female trees.

The Fruits of Doum

Marianne North’s Doum and Date palms on the Nile above Phillae

Doum tree painting on the tomb walls of Sennedjem Near Luxor
The Doum Palm was considered a sacred tree, and symbolised of male strength and virility.   In fact, the fruit of this tree was of such importance that eight baskets full of dried doum fruit were discovered in Tutankhamum’s tomb, left to provide him with sustenance in the afterlife.

First onto the drawing board is the very peculiar fruit of the Doum palm, Hyphaene thebaica, also known as the gingerbread tree. The tree is not as common as it once was, in fact, I have only seen in growing in the south of Egypt, but in ancient Egypt, every Egyptian of standing would have had these trees growing in his garden. 

Egyptian Tombs
Doum Date palm was considered sacred by the ancient Egyptians, and the seed was found in many pharaoh's tombs.  it was announced that a team of Egyptian archaeologists discovered eight baskets of 3,000-year-old doum fruit in King Tutankhamun's tomb. The fruit baskets were each 50 centimetres high