spine faded with scrape marks and chip at ends.  pages yellowed. page corners creased. no marks on music.


Words in German and English. Contents: Six songs on poems by Scheffel, Moericke, Goethe and Kerner - 1.Watchman's song of Wartburg Tower; 2.The king at the coronation; 3.Biterolf; 4. Reflections; 5.Wanderer's night song; 6. To rest, to rest. Four songs on poems by Heine, Shakespeare and Byron - 1. Tell me where; 2. Song of bottom; 3. Sun of the sleep-forsaken; 4. Number beauty's fairest daughter. Three songs on poems by R. Reinick - 1. Song of the apprentice; 2. Morning prayer; 3. A pledge to love.