Dust jacket has wear around the edges with small tears. Priority Mail is available on this item. No international shipping. Additional Details ------------------------------ Product description: We as a Stake Presidency felt there was a need that a history be written of the Yellowstone-St. Anthony Idaho Stake. There are a handful of brothers and sisters still living that were pioneers of the Yellowstone-St. Anthony Idaho Stake. Many of them have knowledge and written word of the history and development of this Stake of Zion. We had a desire to enlighten ourselves and our posterity to more fully appreciate our heritage that has come through many hardships, much sacrifice and rich blessings from the Lord. This book contains stories and experiences of temporal and spiritual blessings that the Lord has poured out upon individuals, families and wards through their prayers, faithfulness and righteousness. Since its creation in 1909 the Yellowstone Stake grew through diligent and dedicated service of many, many faithful members and committed leaders. On May 18, 1975 two strong Stakes were formed, the Ashton Idaho and St. Anthony Idaho Stake. After much consideration and prayer, we as a Stake Presidency extended a call to Max and Bonnie Atkinson to serve as Stake Historians, with a special assignment to write his history.