Egypt 100 years ago: The Ceremony of the Holy Carpet (El Mahmal)

“El Mahmal” or “The Holy Carpet.”

The Ceremony of the Holy Carpet “Mahmal”

When the Kaaba’s Kiswa came from Luxor Egypt
For centuries, every year during Hajj and Ramadan the silk cover for the Kaaba arrived on a Camel's back from Egypt
The passage of the Mahmal carrying the Kiswa through hundreds of miles of desert was an integral part of Hajj

LUXOR,CAIRO,: For centuries, every year during Hajj the Kiswa for the Kaaba arrived on a camel’s back all the way from Cairo to Makkah, following a precarious journey inside a ceremonial litter known as the Mahmal.

From the reign of Al-Zahir Bebrus until the era of King Fuad of Egypt in the 1920s, the passage of the Mahmal through hundreds of miles of barren desert was an integral part of Hajj.

Residents of Luxor & Cairo would be dazzled by the celebrations marking the Mahmal’s departure. Egyptians knew that the production and transportation of the Kiswa was an honor given only to them by a succession of sultans and caliphs. Research conducted by the University of Munich has traced the origin of the Mahmal to Shajarat Al-Durr, wife of As-Salih Ayyub, the last Egyptian sultan of the Ayyub dynasty (13th century). 

Other researchers say the tradition of the Mahmal began in the 14th century during Fatimid rule.

According to Islamic history at Cairo University, during the era of Ottoman Gov. Muhammad Ali Pasha and his children, celebrations centered on the Mahmal convoy began about a month before Hajj.

Dar Al-Khoronfosh, a workshop set up in the early 19th century in Cairo’s Al-Gamaleya district, had been selected for the task of making the Kiswa.
A triangular dome embroidered in gold, silver or silver gilt wires and colorful silk appliques preserved the Mahmal’s precious cargo. It was adorned with the name of the caliphate, sultan or pasha on the side, and a verse from the Qur’an on the front of the Mahmal’s cover.

Before the start of the journey, streets and shops were ceremonially decorated as the Mahmal convoy toured Cairo for three days. 

The camel carrying the Kiswa was accompanied by a caravan of camels lugging supplies and pilgrims’ luggage, alongside soldiers who guarded the procession all the way to Hijaz.

Sufi Worshippers would walk just behind the Mahmal, beating drums and holding aloft banners, accompanied by clowns known as Afarit Al-Mahmal. The occasion was a major annual event, with Cairo’s governor and his deputy or their representative in attendance.

In Cairo’s Castle Square, soldiers would line up with their weapons on the arrival of the invitees: Renowned scientists, royals, dignitaries, merchants, and senior officials of the khedive’s office.

The official ceremony was followed by the firing of 21 rounds of artillery and the playing of the anthem of the khedive, who would stand and salute.

After that, the convoy’s leader followed behind the Mahmal in his horse along with his successor.

the Kiswa procession toured Mohammed Ali Street and the Selah market, then headed to Bab Zuwailah Road and parts of old Cairo, and ended at Al-Hussain Mosque.

The actual journey to Makkah began with the Mahmal convoy’s departure from Cairo in the direction of the Red Sea and onward to the city of Suez, where ships docked at the port welcomed the cavalcade of pilgrims, soldiers and camels.

Once Hajj had been completed, the Mahmal returned to Cairo bearing the Kaaba’s used Kiswa.

The Holy Oils Mahmal & Fabric was typically cut into pieces and distributed to nobles and princes. Some of these pieces can still be found in the tombs of royal family members, where their presence is regarded as a form of blessing.

The Mahmal was used to transport the black shroud (kiswah) of the Ka'aba. ... scents and Attar, Oils, has brought the Luxor Mahmal

 At the beginning of the century, there were several types of popular ceremonies in Egypt that have disappeared or faded with time. One such ceremony is the procession of “El Mahmal” or “The Holy Carpet.”
The yearly celebration involved the Egyptian government manufacturing a new cover for the Holy Kaaba and offering it to Al-Hussain Other Holy Places in Egypt. After the cover is prepared in the factory, a large ceremony takes place in Luxor & Cairo,

The parade included a caravan of decorated camels carrying the Holy Carpet, as well as many other gifts And Holy Oils. After the caravan ends its tour in Cairo, it starts its long trip, guarded by the Egyptian army, across the eastern desert, then on to the Suez Canal and Sinai till it reaches 
 Al-Hussain Mosque,,,,,

For centuries, every year during Ramadan & Hajj the silk cover for the Kaaba
arrived on a camel's back from Egypt
The passage of the Mahmal carrying the Kiswa through hundreds of miles
of desert was an integral part of Hajj

A triangular dome embroidered in gold, silver or silver gilt Oils & Perfumes Use 
For Holy Month Ramadan And Hajj,wires and colorful silk and Holy Oils Bring Good Oman Good Luck..
Use appliques preserved the Mahmal’s precious cargo. It was adorned with the name of the caliphate, sultan or pasha on the side,
and a verse from the Qur’an on the front of the Mahmal’s cover.

Before the start of the journey, streets and shops were ceremonially
decorated as the Mahmal convoy toured Luxor and Cairo for three days.

Egypt 100 years ago: The Ceremony of the Holy Carpet (Mahmal)