ORIGINAL BANTAM 8 ROW SWEET CORN Started showing up in seed catalogs back in early 1900's.This is a Non-Hybrid American Heirloom. Organic, U.S. Grown seed. This strain has a very high sugar content. Also, freeze's well. Easy to grow from seed. Plant in blocks of 4 short rows or more to ensure good pollination. Sun, water and a little fertilizer, that's about it. Keep the weeds down without using a hoe(damages shallow roots). 60+ seeds per order. Thank You!!

zea mays hybrid.
Full sun.
Spring, soil temp 65F+.
SOW - 2 seeds per, 1"deep, about 12" apart. Keep moist.
Germination - 5 to 10 days.
Thin to one seedling per. use scissors to cut out unwanted seedlings.
Medium water after established. A little fertilizer every month or so.
Height 6 - 7 ft.
About 85 days to maturity.