Common Names: Sweet-William, Sweetwilliam
Latin Name: Dianthus barbatus
Species Origin: Southern Europe
Type: Garden Flowers
Life Cycle: Perennial
USDA Zones: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
US Regions: California, Mountain, Arid/Desert, Plains/Texas, Midwest, Northern, Northeast, Southeast
Stratification: No Stratification
Germination Ease: No Stratification
Sunlight: Full Sun
Height: 16 Inches
Color: White, Pink, Red
Bloom Season: Blooms Late Spring, Blooms Early Summer
Uses: Aromatic
Sowing: Direct sow Sweet William seed after the last spring frost, planting it just below the surface and compacting the soil slightly. To start the seed indoors 6-8 weeks before the last frost of spring, sow just below the surface of a flat; compress the soil slightly and keep it consistently moist. Keep the temperature at 60 degrees F until germination, which should take place within 14-20 days. Thin or transplant the seedlings.
Growing: This plant adapts well to dry or rocky soils. Water seedlings until they become established; mature plants are drought tolerant and will only need watering in exceptionally dry periods. This plant usually develops a rosette of leaves in its first season and a flowering stalk in the second summer, though it may bloom in the first year if started early enough. Deadhead the faded blossoms for prolonged blooming. After 2 years of growth, divide the plant for healthy growth. This plant readily reseeds itself, but volunteer seedlings can easily be removed if not wanted. This plant attracts bees and butterflies while resisting deer.
Harvesting: For sweet-scented fresh flowers, cut long stems of flowers that have just opened and place them in water immediately; strip the leaves that will fall below the water. For dried flowers, choose blossoms that have just opened and dry them whole or on the stem. The petals are also edible, and make colorful garnishes.
Seed Saving: At the end of the season, allow the blossoms to mature and produce seed pods. The pods will turn dry and brown, splitting open on the top when ripe. Shake the pods over a container to remove the seeds, which are tiny black discs. Store the Sweet William seed in a cool, dry place.