This is for a black and white copy taken from my vintage original Betty Burton for Sears Roebuck / Walker 951 transfer pattern.Features motifs of anthropomorphic (animated with human characteristics) vegetables. There are 7 designs total:Miss Radish & Mr .Sweet Potato about to kiss,Miss Pepper & Mr. Scallion,Miss Tomato being serenaded by Mr.Spanish Onion,Mr.epper wooing Miss Beet,Mr.Cucumber holding Miss Pea Pod's hand,Mr.Potato dancing with Miss Carrot and finally Mr. Gourd (late for the dance?) driving a corn cob wagon {with tomato wheel & load of lettuce heads in back .You will receive a copy of all 7 motifs ...To use this copy you will need to either trace the design with a transfer pen and then iron onto fabric or trace it with a pencil directly onto fabric using a light source.(completed linens not for sale)****************This material comes from a public domain source.{Printed in 1929 without copyright notice and entered public domain immediately}This is a photocopy of my original pattern/linen which is in the public domain and does not infringe upon any copyrightsRE:COPYRIGHTS My reproductions are adapted from original vintage transfers/patterns/linens in my personal collection.The ORIGINALS are now in the Public Domain because their copyright has expired....Because of alterations made by my editing these reproduction are entirely copyrighted by craftycharlie's and may not be recopied in any media.Purchases of these reproductions does not constitute permission to copy or reproduce. All images have been cleaned, restored / edited.. ***********