Extremely HIGH MAGICK!!
Albina has 7X CAST this Amazing RING 7X ! IT HAS BEEN EMPOWERED WITH a VERY POTENT spell 7 TIMES. This is a spell that she was taught in her 30's that is derived from Medieval Magick, and a "sister spell of "magickal Magnetism," she calls this spell "Money Magnetism". This is a form of Magick that increases one's wealth, increases being noticed in business/career as well as assisting in preserving current and repairing poor financial states. Albina says that this spell is "often requested" due to it's very potent "drawing' force of energies!!. This spell has three main elements:
Calling forth Treasure: This first element draws in the potent Ancient energies to dramatically enhance one's "natural energies that attract abundance." She explains says that one will notice that they begin drawing in more plentiful, abundant opportunities and financial gains". In turn, one will notice that one receives more attention in business, increased income/wealth, finesse and charm in financial/business dealings, enhanced enhanced "luck" with money and financial decisions. Finally, one will notice a great improvement in drawing in income with an almost magnetic "power."
The Shining Coin: The Second Element of this spell draws in energies that will "brighten one's finances" with a charge of power that can "tangibly detected!" This "warmth" will become evident when one is in the presence of "great opportunities to increase income." Albina says that this element can "greatly indicate when one should pay attention to opportunities or 'lucky' instances in the environment". She says many report to her that this element is "what led them down a path of GOLD!"
Stacking Thy Coin: This final element is as Albina says "a powerfully protective and MAGNETIC element" that draws in the precise energies that assist in "gaining, reparation and strengthtening of money ties". This doesn't matter whether one's financial state is good or poor, this element will assist in preserving and gaining wealth or repairing and gaining wealth! Albina says that the POTENT energies drawn in will 'heal and bridge the gaps" of energy between one and one's improved financial state". She calls this element a "key to Unlock the Treasure chest!
Once again, she suggests that one allow for 1-3 weeks for the HIGH energies of this AMAZING magickal to align with one's own. Albina sends her sincere and heartfelt Blessings to all! I also thank her for all of her devoted time and energy!
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