Hot Box HB-VB Gen 3 Jimi Zero Designed by MOEN Effect Labs Exclusive for HOT BOX Canada
“Vibe” Version 5 with Vibrato/Chorus Switch
Hot Box HB-VB Jimi Zero is a luscious Univibe clone. This is a miniaturized version of their Jimi Shaky pedal so that you get the same great VIBE sound in a smaller lighter package. This version is the latest best version, with improved sound and a lot more quiet. NO TIK NO POP.
Moen did a really amazing job in making this model for HOT BOX PEDALS , an exact replica of the classic, so it makes sense that this is their best selling flagship pedal.
Turn it on, and you will hear the 60s coming out of your amp whether it is a subtle leslie type vibrato or a full on Hendrix acid solo.
Organic and fluid sounding.
Two modes on the pedal allow choosing between the classic Univibe vibrato and a more watery chorus effect.
Hue can adjust the color of the effect so that you can really nail that classic sound dead on.
Case Dimension 120mm (4.72?) X 73mm (2.87?) X 32mm (1.26?)
Weight 0.3kg
Power Suppy DC9V or 6F22 battery
Current Drain Less than 20mA
Input Impedance 500k ohm
Output Impedance 10k ohm
Switch 3PDT True bypass