Buying or selling your house is often the largest financial transaction you will ever make, and one of the most important. If you are buying, the last thing you want to do is pay more than you can afford, or more than a house is worth. If you are selling, you have the opportunity to realize large profits, or at least cut serious losses. Buying/Selling Your Home covers every step from scouting the perfect home to tips on when to buy or sell, creative home financing techniques, home ownership tax breaks, the different types of lenders and mortgages, the pros and cons of using a real estate agent, and many other key issues. Did you know that the weeks surrounding Thanksgiving and Christmas are not good times to put your home on the market? Many people travel or entertain during these holidays -- reducing the pool of potential buyers. Or that in spring and summer, home prices tend to rise in most parts of the country because sellers anticipate at least six months of good weather -- and more daylight hours -- to shop for a home, move in and make improvements. Buying/Selling Your Home provides indispensable information that can make the difference between peace of mind or many sleepless nights when buying or selling your home. Forms Included With Guide: Address Change Notice
Agreement to Sell Real Estate
Assignment of Mortgage
Balloon Note
Counter Offer
Discharge of Mortgage
Escrow Agreement
Exclusive Right to Sell
Exercise Option
General Lead Disclosure Statement
Lease with Purchase Option
Monthly Budget Planner
Mortgage Bond
Mortgage Comparison Chart
Offer to Purchase Real Estate
Open Listing realty Agreement
Personal Financial Worksheet
Property Fact Worksheet
Property Viewing
Quitclaim Deed
Realtor Checklist
Release and Waiver of Options Rights
Release of Contract
Release of Mortgage by a Corporation
Residential Loan Application
Residential Real Estate Sales Disclosure
Schedule of Progress - Buyer
Schedule of Progress - Seller
HUD-1 Settlement Statement Sample
Warranty Deed
Homeowners' Association Disclosure Summary
Condominium Association Disclosure Summary
Property Viewing and Key Agreement