*Teas2u Crimson Hibiscus Rose Herbal Tea Blend (Caffeine Free)*

Teas2u passionately handcrafted this 'Crimson Hibiscus Rose' (caffeine free) herbal tea infusion for tea sippers to savor and enjoy at any time of day. This tasty refreshment is made of hibiscus flowers (cut & sifted), dried organic lemon peel, and dried organic rose petals.

Teas2u 'Crimson Hibiscus Rose' has an inviting ruby color appearance and a tart, lemony taste that is sure to please your taste buds. It brews a delicious hot cup of pleasing herbal caffeine free tea or a refreshing iced tea. Add your favorite sweetener or drink it unsweetened. 

Suggested Steeping Tips:

1. Use filtered, reverse osmosis or spring water (best!).
2. Bring water to full rolling boil.
3. Add 2 heaping teaspoons to an 8 fluid ounce tea vessel.
4. Steep for ~6-8 minutes.
5. Strain and enjoy!