Take 20-30 drops of extract in a small amount of warm water 3-4 times daily as needed. - Ingredients: - Bulk herb - 4 oz; - Vegetable glycerin -20 oz; - Artificial strawberry flavouring liquid (for strawberryflavoured extracts/tincturesonly); Directions: - For Regular LiquidExtract/Tincture: Add 4 oz (1 part) bulk herb and 20 oz (5 parts)vegetable glycerin to a clean 1 L or 1.5 L rubber-gasketed glasspreser - Scullcap Glycerite Liquid Extract (1:5) - Chocolate Flavored (1 oz, ZIN: 517163): Scullcap, or Scutellaria lateriflora, a member of the mint family, is a perennial herb native to southeastern North America, from New York to W. Virginia, and South Carolina, Missouri, and Alabama. It can generally be found in thick woods, bluffs, and along roadsides. Its root is a creeping, short rhizome which sends up square stems. The stems are branched and 6-18 inches tall. The leaves, soft and heart-shaped at the base, grow to be 1/2" to 2-1/2" long, with scalloped or serrated edges. The fl
Scullcap Glycerite Liquid Extract (1:5) - Chocolate Flavored (1 oz, ZIN: 517163): Scullcap, or Scutellaria lateriflora, a member of the mint family, is a perennial herb native to southeastern North America, from New York to W. Virginia, and South Carolina, Missouri, and Alabama. It can generally be found in thick woods, bluffs, and along roadsides. Its root is a creeping, short rhizome which sends up square stems. The stems are branched and 6-18 inches tall. The leaves, soft and heart-shaped at
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Binding: Health and Beauty
EAN: 0064435171636