Traditionally used to help support the urinary tract system, bladder irritations and infections, ulcers and much more. - Stir 1/4 of a teaspoon into a glass of water and consume 3 times daily,with meals. - TerraVita is an exclusive line of premium-quality, natural source products that use only the finest, purest and most potent ingredients found around the world. TerraVita is hallmarked by the highest possible standards of purity, potency, stability and fre - Uva Ursi Leaf (Bearberry) Powder (4 oz, ZIN: 511176): Uva Ursi soothes, tones, and strengthens the membranes of the urinary system and is helpful in gravel or ulceration of the kidney or bladder, pyelitis, and cystitis. - Uva Ursi, also known as bearberry, has been used by herbalists for over 1,000 years in China. Marco Polo reported its use in the 13th century and helped to bring the use of Uva Ursi to western Europe. Natives have also used Uva Ursi for hundreds of years.

Uva Ursi Leaf (Bearberry) Powder (4 oz, ZIN: 511176): Uva Ursi soothes, tones, and strengthens the membranes of the urinary system and is helpful in gravel or ulceration of the kidney or bladder, pyelitis, and cystitis. - Uva Ursi, also known as bearberry, has been used by herbalists for over 1,000 years in China. Marco Polo reported its use in the 13th century and helped to bring the use of Uva Ursi to western Europe. Natives have also used Uva Ursi for hundreds of years.

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Binding: Health and Beauty

EAN: 0064435111762