Ceremonial White Magic Advanced Energy System
Pre-requisite: Reiki Master
Tho Kabbalah Reiki & Celestial Reiki are nice to have but not essential.
Ceremonial white magic works with higher spiritual beings using non-complex rituals to transform specific situations for our highest good. It does not involve or relate to the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. Ceremonial white magic is purely a manifesting tool to better ourselves, accelerate our learning, heighten spiritual growth, intensify healing, telepath and awaken the emergence of human consciousness through purification.
White magic is a pure acting force of purification and healing change. White magic cannot be used to dominate poeples lives or to get back at someone. It can only be used for the highest good of mankind and all living creatures.
Ceremonial White Magic acts as a positive, deep influential force using extra-systemic rays which enter our cosmic ether, permeating our entire being though our higher-self communicating with the divine guardians, Goddesses and the use of spiritual tools which you will be attuned to.
Ceremonial whte magic is for all self-development, spiritual profession in order to intensify healing, to change a situation and awaken our third eye activity (ajna activation).
There are five (5) attunements which connect us to the spirits, guardians and tools which work along side us in order to perform white magic.
Ceremonial White Magic Level 1 - Attunement To The Temple Guardian
Ceremonial White Magic Level 2 - Attunement To The Unifer Goddess
Ceremonial White Magic Level 3 - Attunement To the Goddess of Mercy And Protection
Ceremonial White Magic Level 4 - Attunement To The Vibrant Goddess Of Beauty
Ceremonial White Magic Level 5 - Attunement To The White Magic Wand
Ceremonial Magic is special in the fact that we can use it to change a situation and let go of the old, making way for the new. Ceremonial Magic allows us to magically accept change and move on to something better.
With Purchase, Five Attunements Sent Via Chi Ball, One Certificate Sent Via Email